It's All About Geography
a film by Juan Francisco Riumalló / 2022
camera Juan Francisco Riumalló
sound design Tina Laschke
editor Lucía Torres
producer Juan Francisco Riumalló, Ana María Lara
co-producer Ana Catalá
color correction Diego Pequeño
A separation a few weeks before the pandemic breaks out will make geography and distances feel like they did in the times of our ancestors. Unpredictable, abrupt and extensive, these landscapes, sometimes external and some other times internal, unleash a story that has not been yet revealed.

Juan Francisco Riumalló is a filmmaker, journalist and holds a Master of Arts in Visual Anthropology at the Freie Universität Berlin. For 15 years, he has worked directing reportages of investigative journalism in Chile and Latin America while pursuing his filmmaking path.
ONKEL GÜNTER, his first documentary feature film, premiered in SANFIC 2020 and got the award for Best Director in the Chilean Cinema Competition.
He is currently developing projects combining methodologies and approaches from documentary, journalism and visual anthropology. IT’S ALL ABOUT GEOGRAPHY is his first short film, where he continues to explore family narratives on migration and diaspora through the lens of autoethnography.